On Thursday I had to collect my son from school - something I haven't done for ages now, but he had taken his euphonium in to play in his music lesson, and didn't fancy carrying it home on the bus! So I took a few photos while I was sitting waiting for him to come out of school!
At last - the pictures I promised! I have spent all weekend carrying bags and boxes into my new room and it is beginning to look like a proper work area! I am definitely going to enjoy working here ... the sun shines through the window all day making it lovely and warm, but the best thing is having all my supplies in one room where I can reach them without having to reaarange all the furniture!!! Another bonus is being able to leave work out .... not having to clear away so that the family can eat dinner!!!
Now all I have to do is start working!
I treated myself to a pair of these just before Christmas ... and they are brilliant! I am planning on knitting myself some more in the near future.
Are you good at recycling? Maybe you get your paper/cardboard/tins/bottles etc collected by the council? I have always tried to recycle and reuse as much as possible, and I must admit I am quite good at saving things in different containers, I'm just not very good at taking them to the recycling bins! So today ... we filled the car with magazines, tins, bottles, jars, old clothes, cardboard boxes ... in fact a years worth of stored recyling stuff ... and took it to the recycling centre. We now have so much space in the outhouse ... ready to start this years collection!! ... but I have promised myself that I will do it more often this year!! ... but preferably not on such a cold and wet day as today!
And I think I have finally finished rebuilding my wesite.Here's a sneak preview of the home page. I just have to sort out the uploading bit now!
Does anyone else out there eat toast and jam at 2am?
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