It's been a while again ... I keep falling aleep when I should be posting! But I have been busy creating. I spent ages making this cover for a book I'm making to keep my fabric postcards in so that they don't get lost or damaged. I didn't like part of the first attempt, so I removed as much as I could of the bits I didn't like, then covered up the rest with the new design! I was intending to use the 'bind-it-all' to bind the book, but the covers were just too thick to fit in the slot!! So I shall be using book rings instead. I just have to punch the holes and make the pages.

Then I rediscovered elise blaha's blog challenge 'Paper Adventure 08' and remembered that I really wanted to have a go at this weekly challenge, so I had to make a book for that! This time I made sure it fitted in the 'bind-it-all'. The cover and first page are below. Now I have to catch up with the first six challenges!

In between creating things, I took a few photos in the garden.

I specially like this one of the baby plant ... a sure sign that spring is on the way!

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